Recent Changes Febuary 2017

Importing Auditions from Casting Networks/LA Casting

Auditions from Casting Networks and LA Casting can now be imported directly into inEntertainment. View the audition in your browser and click on the IE plugin. The only prerequisites are that the client already be entered into your database and the casting notice must be imported beforehand.

Outgoing Property Submissions Status

We've separated out the Reaction and Status for each property submission. Now you can search submissions by an individual status, separate from the reaction.

In Search you now have the choice to filter by the submission status.

VarietyInsight Importing

You can now import people and their contact / rep information as well as their picture into inEntertainment directly from VarietyInsight. After viewing the record use the iE plugin button to import the record. If the record already exsists in inEntertainment you will be prompted to update the record. Updating will any new credits since the last update as well as rep additions.

Note: Users of inEntertainment are elligable for a discount when you sign up to VarietyInsight.

The result in Addresses.

The result in Talent which also imports the most recent credtis.