How use the Addresses List View to Alter Contacts

Tina Colson

This FAQ will guide you through the options available in the Addresses List View. When you pull up a list of contacts in the Addresses List View you can select one or multiple contacts from the results. If you R-Click on the contacts selected. You have the ability to: 1. Mark Record – Allows you to mark contacts and pull …

How to Setup Splits & Third Party Distributions

Tina Colson

This FAQ will guide you through setting up split commissions to third parties and internal splits within your company as well as third party disbursements on a client’s behalf. Split Commissions and Disbursements to third parties can be setup on on the clients address record. Internal splits between users and revenue centers are setup on each accounting record. *Note You shouldn’t …

How to Export WGA Reports for Upload

Tina Colson

This FAQ will guide you through exporting the reporting files to the WGA. *Note Only clients who are registered with the WGA on their Address card, YES as a member > Vitals section will be included in these reports and projects need to be marked under union as WGA. There are three places you will need to export files from. Step 1Accounting > Search …

How to Enter Fees and Expenses

Tina Colson

This FAQ will guide you through adding Fees and Expenses to a booking for Accounting and Invoicing uses. *NOTE Not all users have access to the Fees and Expenses Tab.  Step 1 Once you have entered all the details for a booking click the Fees and Expenses Tab (1), then click the “Edit Expenses” button (2). Step If you have setup …

How to View a Client’s Commercial Conflicts

Tina Colson

You can view a client’s commercial conflicts by going to their address record, selecting the history tab, (1) and choosing “Conflicts”, (2), from the “Show” menu. *NOTE The date listed in the date column is either the due date of the session fee, (if it has not been paid) or the MPU date for the conflict not the current holding fee …

How to Search for Commercial Conflicts

Tina Colson

This FAQ will teach you the basics of how to bring up a list of client commercial conflicts and how to pint that list sorted by conflict for quick reference. *NOTE The detailed info contained in the conflicts report comes form the Accounting module, you must have the accounting module to track Hold dates/ MPUs for conflicts.   Step 1 From any …

How to Withhold for Other Bookings

Tina Colson

Step 1  When you are informed that a client received payment for a job directly, go to the accounting record and change the status of the accounting record to “Paid Direct”. Step 2 When you apply a payment for a client, any jobs that are marked as paid direct will be displayed in the upper left in Red, with the …

How to Issue an Advance

Tina Colson

An Advance is a personal loan your company makes to your client. Example: A client books a job but is Station 12 and owes union dues. Your company loans the client the money for their dues and will re-coup it when the client gets paid for the job. *NOTE The advance is ALWAYS paid out of your operating account NEVER through …

How to Enter and Email out an Appointment

Tina Colson

Step 1 Retrieve the project you need to send out the appointment for. Step 2 Click on the Appointments box. Step 3 Select the appropriate department by clicking on the blue bar that lists the department types. Step 4 Click on the + icon displayed at top right of the screen. Step 5 Input the necessary appointment information in the …

How to Switch from Projects to Properties

Tina Colson

Though the icon at the bottom of your screen says Projects, you can also use this part of the program to search your properties as well.  To switch from projects to properties, click on the 3-line icon that can be found on the top right of the screen. Step 1 To retrieve a project from your database, type in the …